4 Common Workplace Cases Where You Need An Employment Attorney

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The Crucial Step Of Hiring A Business Attorney

My name is Jackie Fields and if you're not sure if you need a business attorney, I think you should read my blog. I became familiar with business attorneys when my sister opened her own business. Before the business was open to the public, my sister consulted a business attorney to make sure that all of the legal matters concerning her business were in order. I learned a lot about the importance of business attorneys when I accompanied my sister to speak with her attorney. In this blog, I'll tell you why it's essential for you and your business to hire a business attorney. I hope that after reading this blog, you'll realize the importance of this crucial step.


4 Common Workplace Cases Where You Need An Employment Attorney

15 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The relationship between employers and employees is sometimes conflicted by issues where one party feels their rights are being violated. Often it is the employees agitating for better remuneration and working environment. But employers also agitate for cases where they feel their financial interests are being lost. An employment lawyer is crucial in solving these disputes through negotiation, arbitration, and litigation. Which cases need the engagement of an employment lawyer?

Wage and Working Hours Disputes

Do you feel your services are not adequately compensated as an employee? You need an employment attorney to look after your interests when:

  • You don't get the minimum wage
  • You are not paid for overtime hours
  • Your working hours are incorrectly calculated
  • Your termination benefits are incorrectly calculated
  • Your employment attorney uses the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to make your case in any of these instances.

Wrongful Termination

Do you believe your services have been terminated for the wrong reason? The law protects workers against termination for illegal reasons. You have a case to make if you are fired for:

  • Whistleblowing on illegalities in the workplace
  • Medical reasons protected by the Family and Medical Act
  • Workplace-related injuries and disabilities
  • Discrimination grounds, e.g., gender, religion, race

Discrimination Disputes

Discrimination is often hard to prove because it is subtle in many cases, and often those doing it are ignorant that they are discriminatory. But ignorance does not make it less of a case. Various federal and state laws protect workers against discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other form under the law.

An employment attorney is useful when you feel you have been unfairly treated for these reasons, in hiring, firing, or providing resources in the workplace. An attorney can help bring your case to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Hostile Workplace Practices and Harassment

A worker has a right to an enabling workplace environment without hostilities from the employer or fellow workers. You can raise a dispute if you feel you have been treated unfairly and your rights have been trampled.

For example, an employment attorney can help prove you have been the victim of sexual harassment by fellow workers based on your sexual orientation. The employer is liable for these hostilities because they did not create a friendly workplace. This liability is more established if you reported the harassment and the employer did not take action.

Do you feel your rights have been aggrieved in the workplace? Book an appointment with an employment lawyer today to discuss your case.