About Me
The Crucial Step Of Hiring A Business Attorney

My name is Jackie Fields and if you're not sure if you need a business attorney, I think you should read my blog. I became familiar with business attorneys when my sister opened her own business. Before the business was open to the public, my sister consulted a business attorney to make sure that all of the legal matters concerning her business were in order. I learned a lot about the importance of business attorneys when I accompanied my sister to speak with her attorney. In this blog, I'll tell you why it's essential for you and your business to hire a business attorney. I hope that after reading this blog, you'll realize the importance of this crucial step.


Decoding the Role of Forced Labor Trade Law in Human Rights Protection

10 November 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Forced labor, or modern-day slavery, is one of the most heinous crimes against humanity. Despite several legal instruments being in place, contemporary slavery still exists in many parts of the world. One of the more potent legal tools that help combat this is the Forced Labor Trade Law. It is a legal mechanism that supports countries in banning goods produced through forced labor in their markets. This blog will decode the role of Forced Labor Trade Law in human rights protection. Read More …

4 Common Workplace Cases Where You Need An Employment Attorney

15 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

The relationship between employers and employees is sometimes conflicted by issues where one party feels their rights are being violated. Often it is the employees agitating for better remuneration and working environment. But employers also agitate for cases where they feel their financial interests are being lost. An employment lawyer is crucial in solving these disputes through negotiation, arbitration, and litigation. Which cases need the engagement of an employment lawyer? Read More …

Protecting Your Rights To COVID-19 Medical Leave

17 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most consequential events in modern history. In response to the threat that the virus poses to individuals and the community, extraordinary efforts have been taken to slow its spread. As part of these measures, workers that are infected with the virus or caring for a family member that is infected may be entitled to special leave until they have recovered. Read More …

What Do You Do When You Can’t Find an Estate’s Heir?

14 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're handling someone's estate, you probably expect to encounter a few difficulties during the process. However, there is one common problem you might not anticipate: one or more missing heirs.  People often lose touch with their relatives over the years, but when a relative is named in an estate or otherwise has inheritance rights, that can be a nightmare for the executor of the estate. If you don't put enough effort into finding the missing heir, you could end up being sued in the future for your negligence. Read More …

Four Requirements An Employee Has To Meet To Fall Under A Fair Labor Standards Act Exemption

26 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

One important thing that both employers and employees should understand, when it comes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), is that some employees are exempt from the protections the act offers.  Understanding who is exempt and who is not exempt clarifies what an employer's responsibilities are toward individual employees. The following are four basic requirements that an employee has to meet in order to be exempt from the FLSA.  Read More …